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phase 1: f-team phase 2: white noise phase 3: Cri du Chat |
hell o a lot of free stuff from a experimental band Cri du Chat. This band exists from 2002 but under different names. 2002-2003 f-team phase. IT was a phase with primitive gear used for making music so the sound is more minimalistic. sound is not similar to any existing bands. 2003-2004 white noise phase. with a little developed gear and sound start to move to some better known forms EBM , industrial, noise... under influence of skinny puppy , hocico 2005-present Cri du Chat phase. after some pause band started their machines again. now we are back to our roots and to more noise experimental sound. EVERYTHING WE MAKE IS FREE TO DOWNLOAD FROM THIS SITE. since we have limited bandwidth and space if you need some more our music that is not on this site just come to soulseek and add to your list user nzeeman . we share all our music so just ask us and we will send it to you. contact:
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